Monkey See, Monkey Do

Screenprint on paper, Stickers and T-shirts, February, 2003


I'm not sure that gets all that many international visitors, so I often don't worry about how my work will be understood by surfers from other countries.

But, for reasons that will become obvious, I would like to explain this one.

1. The individual featured in this poster is the Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard.


Howard has sided with America and Britain in the pursuit of war without UN sanction.

2. The expression; "Monkey see, Monkey Do" is a derogatory expression used to suggest that a person is mimicking the behavior of another without thought.

3. The American Flag is intended to illustrate the lunatic behavior Howard is mimicking is that of the United States Government.

Most international surfers would be surprised to learn that there is a third member of the "Coalition of the Willing" who thinks war is the best way to achieve peace.

But the fact is, it's not just the leaders of Britain and America who are acting against the wishes of every other country

in the world - not to mention the wishes of the majority of their own people - Australia's leaders are also party to the notion.

And I think it's fair to point out to the world that if you folks think Bush and Blair are madmen, I have to say that our leader is clearly the maddest.

After all, America and Britain have 265 million and 55 million citizens respectively. Australia has around 17 million.

Yet, unlike America and Britain, Australia sits directly below Indonesia. The country with the largest Muslim population in the world. Say, 55 million give or take.

So when it comes to madness, the Prime Minister of Australia, in supporting an unjustified preemptory strike against a Muslim nation, has got to be the gold medal lunatic of the world.

Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi!


The photographs of protesters with the "Monkey see, Monkey do" poster at the Sydney anti war march were taken by my brother Fabian Bleasel. Thanks Bro.